ChemBio VII 2024

Plenary Speakers

José Luis Mascareñas

José Luis Mascareñas is full Professor in Chemistry at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC, Galicia, Spain) since 2005, and scientific director of the Center for research in biological chemistry and molecular materials (CiQUS) since 2014. He completed his PhD at the University of Santiago in 1988, and was a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University (USA, 1989-1991). He has been visiting scholar in Harvard University (USA) in the summers of 1992 and 1995, and visiting scientist in the University of Cambridge (UK, 2009) and the MIT (USA, 2013).

He has supervised 44 PhD theses, published over 220 articles in peer reviewed journals and wrote 23 patent applications. Some awards: Organic Chemistry award of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ, 2009), Advanced grant of the ERC (2014), Galician of the year "Grupo Correo Gallego" (2014), Gold medal of the University of Santiago (2014), Gold Medal of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (2015), award of the Galicia Critic (2018), Research Medal of the Royal Galician Academy of Sciences (2019), Proof-of-Concept grant of the ERC (2020), member of the European Academy of sciences (EURASC, since 2017), founder/first president of the Spanish group of Chemical Biology of the RSEQ and, since 2021, vicepresident of the RSEQ.

Christoph Rademacher

Dr. Christoph Rademacher earned his BSc in Molecular Biotechnology and MSc in Molecular Life Science at the University of Lübeck.

In 2009, Dr. Rademacher received his doctorate from the same University, where he performed studies under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Thomas Peters in the Department of Chemistry working on virus/carbohydrate interactions using NMR spectroscopy. He then underwent postdoctoral training with Prof. Dr. James C. Paulson at The Scripps Research Institute (USA) in the Department of Chemical Physiology, where he entered the field of glycoimmunology. In December 2011, Dr. Rademacher his appointed at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in the Department of Biomolecular Systems, where he became Emmy-Noether Research Group Leader in June 2012. In 2017, Dr. Rademacher received an ERC Starting Grant. In 2020 he was appointed full professor at the University of Vienna and the Max F. Perutz Laboratories and became Novartis NIBR Global Scholarship Fellow in 2021 and was awarded the Carbohydrate Research Award in 2021. His research is focused on the development and application of novel molecular probes to understand the role of carbohydrates in immune cell regulation with a strong emphasis on molecular drug targeting. Dr. Rademacher is a co-founder of Cutanos GmbH, a biotech startup working on the commercialization of a transdermal targeted delivery system.

Carme Rovira

Carme Rovira is ICREA Research Professor at the University of Barcelona.

She holds a PhD from UB and has carried out research stays in USA (University of North Carolina and Southern Illinois University), Germany (Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung) and UK (University of York). She works in the modeling of catalytic mechanisms in enzymes using computer simulation, with a focus on carbohydrate-active enzymes. She has received awards from the Catalonia government (2003), the Barcelona City Council (2016) and the European Carbohydrate Organization (2019). She received an ERC SyG in 2020 and is also President of the Computational Chemistry group of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ). 

Markus Zweckstetter

Markus Zweckstetter heads the senior research group “Structural Biology in Dementia” at the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE). In addition, he is a professor at the University Medical School of Göttingen and leads a research group at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen, Germany.

His research interests are NMR spectroscopy, structural biology and neurodegenerative diseases. Of particular interest are intrinsically disordered proteins, liquid-liquid phase separation and membrane proteins. Markus graduated with distinction in Physics (1996) from the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich andperformed his PhD studies at the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry in Martinsried,Germany. Following post-doctoral research at the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry and the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, USA (1999-2001), with Adriaan Bax, he was awarded aDFG Emmy-Noether research group to start his independent career at the Max Planck Institutefor Biophysical Chemistry (2001). In 2012, he was appointed as W3 professor at the University Medical School Göttingen and started a research group at DZNE. Markus already received three ERC grants, ERC consolidator phase in 2011, ERC Advanced Grant in 2018 and ERC Proof Of Concept Grant in 2022.